Encourage A Deeper Understanding Of Writing

09-24-2023Weekly Reflection©LPi

The Lord is always just and is all good. This is an explicit invitation to all to work in his Vineyard. Everyone, without excuse or pretext, at any time, must go and look for workers for the vineyard. That is the good and just God that Jesus presents to us. That he pays the same to everyone without discrimination or selfishness. His kindness and generosity are beyond measure. The challenge is work. We are called at different times and circumstances to serve in his ministries. Parishes are always looking for honest and kind volunteer servants to serve. There are many people who have served for years. But there are others who are waiting for a place to also work with Jesus.

“Let us remember who was the first saint canonized in the Church: the Good Thief. He stole the sky at the last moment of his life of him. This is Grace, this is also how God is with all of us. He who thinks of his own merits fails; who trusts with humility to the mercy of the Father, he goes from last --- like the Good Thief --- to first (Pope Francis (09/20/2020). “This is how it will be: the last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16). The question is: Do you What do you do so that the Kingdom of God grows? Let's stop complaining, and get to work. There are so many people who offer your volunteer time to help and comfort by being kind. Thank you, Lord, for all these people. There's a lot to do. “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37). You too come to my Vineyard!