Come and You Will See

01-17-2021Weekly Reflection© LPi

Our faith is not just about ideas. It’s really about having an encounter with God and, in particular, the Risen Christ! Once we give ourselves over to the notion of God’s presence, we have to train ourselves to listen for God’s voice and be attentive to God’s call. Having companions on our faith journeys is so incredibly important as they can help us fine-tune our listening skills and discern God’s voice from others we may be hearing. Faith is all about having these profound encounters not only with God but with our brothers and sisters, and creation itself. Anyone or anything that is alive with God’s presence becomes an occasion for God to speak and call us to deeper graces and experiences. “Come, and you will see.”

The example and teaching of Jesus, the lives of the saints, those living among us and those glorified in heaven, and the wonder and beauty of creation can all serve to help us listen more clearly and assist in positioning ourselves for this profound God meeting. It is an encounter that can quickly and easily lead to a friendship and intimate intertwining of our souls to their Maker, making a claim on us like no other. Then, the Word of God moves from being just a body of ideas to something we simply accept and do. The person of Jesus Christ swiftly moves from being just a good prophet in word and deed to the incarnate presence of God Himself, the Lamb of God. The voice leads us to the Person behind it.

The Gospel is hard to follow. We can intellectually debate whether what Jesus said is really what we are asked to do. The Gospel ideas do not always make sense in our practical, secular world. The person of God always does. We can debate the practicality and sense of ideas and doing so often keeps the more difficult ones at a safe distance away from us. Jesus said to love our enemy, but we really don’t need to do that, our minds try to convince us. It just doesn’t make sense. Yet, if we are truly in love with the God who is behind the voice of those words, they make perfect sense. Our deep and intimate love of this God would even find us laying down our lives for Him if necessary. Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

¿Dónde te encontraré, Señor?

En este relato del Evangelio, se dice que Juan estaba con sus discípulos y, que, en ese mo-mento, Jesús pasaba por ahí. Juan, ve a Jesús y dice a sus discípulos: “Ese es el Cordero de Dios” (Juan 1:36). Desde ese momento, Juan deja de ser importante y sede el lugar al Cordero de Dios. Por lo tanto, los discípulos, sin ningún retraso ni pregunta, siguieron a Jesús. Era el momento del encuentro, de la intimidad, de pasar un buen rato con él. El Papa Francisco lo describe de la siguiente manera: “Verdaderamente cada uno tiene su encuentro con Jesús. Pensemos en los primer-os discípulos que seguían a Jesús y permaneci-eron con Él toda la tarde - Juan y Andrés, el primer encuentro - y fueron felices por esto”.

El Papa continúa su reflexión diciendo: “Todos nosotros hemos tenido en nuestra vida algún encuentro con Él, un encuentro verdade-ro, en el que sentí que Jesús me miraba. No es una experiencia sólo para santos. Y si no re-cordamos, será bonito hacer un poco de me-moria y pedir al Señor que nos dé la memoria, porque Él se acuerda, Él recuerda el encuen-tro. Una buena tarea para hacer en casa, sería precisamente volver a pensar cuando sentí verdaderamente al Señor cerca de mí, cuando sentí que tenía que cambiar de vida y ser mejor o perdonar a una persona, cuando sentí al Señor que me pedía algo y, por ello, cuando me encontré al Señor (Homilía en Santa Marta, 24 de abril de 2015). Para nosotros ahora, cabe la siguiente pregunta. ¿Dónde, dónde, encontraré al Señor?