Prayer of Spiritual Adoption for the Unborn

09-20-2020Weekly Reflection

I have for you today a prayer for the unborn, a prayer of spiritual adoption that was written by Venerable Fulton Sheen. I dearly hope that you will pray this and help the babies who are in danger.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion.


Hatred and Forgiveness

09-13-2020Weekly ReflectionAdam Cross

Taken from Life Teen Website

On February 28th, 1944 Nazi soldiers broke into the house of Corrie ten Boom and arrested her with her entire family for hid-ing Jews in their family home. The Nazis sent Corrie and her sister to Ravensbrück concentration camp where Corrie’s sister died. Corrie was released from the camp and made it a mission to travel the world speaking on God’s mercy and forgiveness in the face of hatred. One day after giving a talk, a man walked up to Corrie. She recognized him as one of the Nazi soldiers at Ravensbrück concentration camp. This man had treated Corrie as less than human. This man had let her sister die. This same man walked up to Corrie, looked her in the eyes and said… Will you forgive me?
Corrie was silent. Standing there she thought forgiveness is not an emotion… forgiveness is an act of the will, but she could not forgive him. He let her sister die. He had done such evil things! At that moment she prayed, “Jesus, help me!… I can lift my hand. I can do that much.” She lifted her hand and shook his. She said to this former Nazi soldier, “I forgive you, brother!… With all my heart!”


¿Qué significa tener miedo?

09-06-2020Weekly Reflection

Estar con miedo significa estar temerosos de alguien o algo que represente peligro, que sin duda puede causar dolor o es una amenaza. Se trata de un presentimiento, o instinto humano.

El miedo es una realidad que todos tenemos que tratar en un momento u otro. De ninguna manera es una debilidad, pues aún las personas mas fuertes de carácter en algún momento experimentan temor en su vida.

El miedo o temor se convierte en un problema cuando le damos demasiada importancia, le damos mas énfasis al miedo, que a la fe que debemos profesar todos los cristianos.