What does Pentecost the feat mean to us?

05-20-2018Weekly Reflection©2018 Liturgical Publications, Inc

As one of the most important solemnities on the Church's calendar, it has a rich depth of meaning, but here is how Pope Benedict summarized it in 2012:

This Solemnity makes us remember and relive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the other disciples gathered in prayer with the Virgin Mary in the Upper Room (cf. Acts 2:1-11). Jesus, risen and ascended into Heaven, sent his Spirit to the Church so that every Christian might participate in his own divine life and become his valid witness in the world. The Holy Spirit, breaking into history, defeats aridity, opens hearts to hope, stimulates and fosters in us an interior maturity in our relationship with God and with our neighbor.

Pentecostés es el acontecimiento que transformó la vida de la iglesia naciente; que la impulsó a recorrer nuevos caminos; que la llevó a proclamar la buena noticia hasta los confines de la tierra.

Es la fiesta que nos recuerda la vocación profunda de la iglesia: ¡¡¡que ella existe para evangelizar; que somos depositarios de un tesoro que no podemos guardar en la intimidad!!!

Es el acontecimiento que hoy nos desafía a navegar mar adentro en el ancho horizonte de nuestra sociedad, y desde nuestras dudas, temores, cansancios y debilidades, contagiar la alegría de la salvación de cristo con la certeza de que sólo en él nuestra esperanza.