Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

01-14-2018Weekly Reflection©2017 Liturgical Publications, Inc.

"So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with thehired men and followed him." What did Zebedee thinkabout all of this? His sons and his partners, James and John,suddenly left their post and followed Jesus. So there hestood in the boat with a crew of employees, but not one ofhis sons. We can't help but wonder whether Zebedee was infavor of this promise that his heirs would become "fishers ofmen." Most likely, this event was the cause ofsome familialtension.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to love and serve others for the love of God. But the Lord also makes it clearthat our devotion to him is meant to trump our devotion toanything-or anyone-else. For our part, we are called to allowthis divine allegiance to exist in those we love, even when itmeans a sacrifice for us as well. Parents for example, likeZebedee, are called to encourage their children to follow theLord's call. A son or daughter's vocation to religious lifecertainly exemplifies this kind of sacrifice for a parent whomight have had a different plan in mind. But in truth everyson and daughter has a vocation from God and parents havethe opportunity to support and assist their children as theyseek to hear and follow God's special plan for their lives.We don't know for sure how Zebedee responded to the vocation of his sons, but we know that James and John were counted among the Twelve Apostles and that their devotionand dedication helped to spread the Gospel to the ends ofthe earth. Regardless of what he might have thought as hestood in that boat, we can be quite sure that looking backnow, Zebedee can rejoice heartily in the choice of his sonsto leave their nets and follow Christ.

En este domingo damos comienzo a las lecturas del Evangeliode Marcos. Recordemos que celebramos el Ciclo B, y recorreremos el itinerario de Jesús de acuerdo a Marcos de lasiguiente manera. El Evangelio se compone de un prólogo(Mc 1, 1-13). Éste describe la preparación del ministerio deJesús. En los siguientes capítulos escucharemos sobre lapredicación del Bautista, bautismo de Jesús y las tentacionesen el desierto, además de la revelación de Jesús como Mesíaspor medio de sus palabras y milagros. Después se narra elcamino de Jesús a Jerusalén, la Pasión, muerte y Resurrección. Recordemos que el Evangelio de Marcos solotiene 16 capítulos.

La misión de Jesús fue proclamar la Buena Nueva de Dios:"Se ha cumplido el tiempo y el Reino de Dios ya está cerca.Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio" (Mc 1, 15). Este mensaje recuerda lo que se les pedía a los de Nínive y ahora anosotros, el llamado al arrepentimiento, a la conversion radical. Llamado a vivir diferente, cambiar la conducta y lasmalas obras. Es un sentido de urgencia, no se debe de perderel tiempo en tanta tontería. Entrar en cambio radical no esfácil, se requiere de valentía continua -el Reino tiene exigencias. ¿Qué necesito de cambiar, de arrepentirme, enorden de seguir a Jesús más fielmente? El Reino está listo enlos pobres, en los inmigrantes, en los sin voz y, claro, en lafamilia y amigos. Para entrar al Reino hay una condición y essencilla: ser persona de paz haciéndola vida en los demás.Mantra para la semana: ¡santificado sea tu Reino, Señor!