First Sunday of Advent

12-03-2017Weekly Reflection©2017 Liturgical Publications, Inc.

Each year, this season of Advent comes around. We bless one candle each week in Advent. Let us ask God to bless our family on this First Sunday of Advent:

God of new beginnings, today we begin a new year in our church with the image of a wreath. We ask you to bless our family. Help us to see our family life as a wreath, without a beginning, and without an end.

As we light this one candle, we recall how you have changed our family since we last gathered around the Advent wreath.

Help us to be for others what this family has been to us—a helper in times of need and a source of abundant blessings to share with others.

We ask this through Christ, who is the Alpha and Omega.


Oracion de Adviento: Madre del Adviento, Virgen de la esperanza, tú eres hija de tu Hijo, sierva de tu Señor, madre del Salvador Altísimo. El que habitaba en los cielos ha visto el esplendor de tu belleza y se ha complacido en prepararse en la tierra una digna y purísima morada. Alcánzanos de Él la sobreabundancia de la gracia, para que permanezcamos en esta vida fieles a su servicio, y después del paso de esta vida lleguemos a estar junto al que de ti ha nacido, Jesucristo, Señor nuestro, que vive y reina por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.