Third Sunday of Easter

04-30-2017Weekly Reflection

"Jesus himself drew near and walked with them, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him." The disciples on the road to Emmaus had already heard reports about Jesus' resurrection. It was at the forefront of their minds, but in spite of this, they did not recognize Jesus when he stood right before them. Why not? Perhaps because they weren't looking for him. Maybe they didn't really believe that he was alive. Or it could be that his appearance was not the same as it had been before. Whatever the case, it's very interesting to learn that it was actually while celebrating the Eucharist that these men finally realized who was right there with them! "He was made known to them in the breaking of bread."

Living as we do some two thousand years later, it is easy to imagine that recognizing Jesus was a snap for those who walked the earth when he did. We can run the risk of feeling sorry for ourselves that we don't get to see Jesus in person they way they did. But look here! It was through the Eucharist that Christ was made known to them, and we too have that gift right in front of us. We celebrate every week the same "breaking of bread" at the altar during Mass. Jesus is present with us, body, blood, soul, and divinity, even if we don't recognize him! He is there, present in ourmidst.

If our eyes of faith are feeble, we can pray that the Lord will help us to know his presence in the Eucharist. Just as he came to comfort and accompany his first disciples, he wants to do the same for us through the Most Blessed Sacrament. We only need to be sure that we are always on the lookout to find him in our midst.

©2017 Liturgical Publications, Inc.

Tercer de Pascua

De la paz de Cristo dada el domingo pasada a sus discípulos pasamos hoy al camino de Emaús. Los discípulos iban tristes y platicando de lo sucedido. Su mismo dolor les hacía no ver claramente lo que realmente se les había enseñado en el pasado con respecto a las Escrituras. El extraño del camino les ofreció con su explicación el entendimiento para que al sentarse a la mesa y al partir el pan su perspectiva sobre quién era aquelextraño cambiara completamente. ¡Otro encuentro personal conel Resucitado! "¡Con razón nuestro corazón ardía, mientras nos hablaba por el camino y nosexplicaba las Escrituras!" (Lc 24, 32).

Sí, de eso se trata la cincuentena pascual, de encuentros personales con Jesús resucitado. En las primeras tres semanas se nos relatan esas historias llenas de alegría. Seguido del 4º Domingode Pascua donde escucharemos el relato delBuen Pastor. Las otras semanas incluido el Domingode Pentecostés la liturgia nos lanza la invitación a responder y participar al llamado a la misiónque Jesús resucitado nos ha encomendado.¿Estamos listos para un encuentro personal con Cristo resucitado? Ojalá que respondamos comoPedro que animado por el Espíritu y sin miedo nos convoca a mantener la fe y la esperanza vivas en nosotros: "Gracias a él han creído en Dios que lo resucitó de entre los muertos y lo gl orificó, precisamente con el fin de que pusieran su fe y su esperanza en Dios" (1 Pe 1, 21). ¿Qué es lo que me ayuda a mantener el ardor de la fe de la Pascua?¿Dónde sirviendo a otros encuentro al Resucitado?

©2017 Liturgical Publications, Inc.